"Go Green or Bust - The Birth of a New Civilization"
This is an upcoming lecture event at Royal Roads University on Tuesday August 4th, 2009 that we think is pretty great! Here is a bit about it...
Every generation faces unique challenges. Many have been enormous, such as ending slavery, defeating fascism, winning the vote for all women, and winning
civil rights for people of all races. Each of these struggles has been long and difficult, but
in their successes they have changed the world.
For the challenge we face today the stakes could notbe higher, for if we fail, we lose everything. Earthsecosystems and humanitys cultures and civilization
cannot withstand a 6C degree rise in
temperature, which is our current trajectory, due to climate change.
In succeeding, however, we will transform our civilization forever,
and future generations will accept environmental sustainability as
one of the fundamental precepts of a civilized life on Earth,
alongside justice, freedom of speech, and human rights.
If we are to live in harmony with Gaia, and create a new civilization,
we must go green or bust.
Guy Dauncey is a speaker, author, and organizer who works to develop
a positive vision of a sustainable future, and to translate that vision into action.
He is President of the BC Sustainable Energy Association, and author
of the award-winning books Stormy Weather: 101 Solutions to Global
Climate Change; Cancer: 101 Solutions to a Preventable Epidemic, and
7 other titles. His new book The Climate Challenge: 101 Solutions to
Global Warming will be published in November 2009.
He is also Executive Director of The Solutions Project; and
Publisher of EcoNews, a monthly newsletter that promotes the vision
of a sustainable Vancouver Island. His home page is www.earthfuture.com
Lecture Admission: Donation at the Door. Proceeds from this lecture
support the Bateman Bursary for learners in the Master of Arts and
Environmental Education and Communication Program. The Mews Lounge
is Building #4 on this campus map.