The Victoria Green Collective is proud to annouce our exciting Holiday 2009 Campaign. "Give Something You Love" is our slogan for the 2009 Holiday Season. If you love fair trade, locally made, organic or eco-friendly products, then give what you love this Christmas with the Green Collective. Our holiday campaign is designed to honour and reward all of our loyal customers! Here is what we have in store for you.....
Thursday December 3rd - Participating Green Collective stores will be open late till 8:00. We will be serving up yummy treats and goodies and providing our customers will exceptional promotions! Each store will have their own twist to the evening. We at Fiber Options Naturals will be providing our customers with 20% OFF ALL of their purchases in the store!! The sale is from 6:00-8:00 pm. It is THE best sale of the Holiday season, and THE best pricing you will receive before Boxing Day at Fiber Options.
The ENTIRE month of December - The Green Collective wants you to not only "Give What you Love" this Christmas, but also "Get What You Love"! SO, for the month of December, purchases over $50.00 at each Green Collective store will qualify you to receive one of our 'Green Cards'. The Green Card will get you a discount at all Green Collective store in the New Year for the months of January and February. It is our thank you to all of our loyal customers!
Watch for our Holiday "Give What You Love" Campaign coming out in Monday Magazine this December!