We are excited about this new arrival from Me to We. The 'Together We Can' shirt has just arrived in our stores and is available for both men and women. The fit is fantastic, the organic cotton material is super soft, but most of all its the message that is important. Together we can....like the phrase me to we, is about empowering people to work together to achieve great things in this world! Here is a message from the shirt designer that explains...
As most stories go, I have been told time and time again that change is not possible. That things are the way they are. Yes there are many issues in this world, -- poverty, HIV/AIDS, homelessness, natural disasters, child labour, etc. But there is also hope. In history, after much determination and work, people have changed the way things are.
Words representing the negativity facing humanity today is illustrated in this design. Those words are scattered across the map of the world. Juxtaposed to that, however, are words of hope "together we can", a phrase I use often and one that truly represents the me to we philosophy. If we all worked together to better this world, we could achieve great things. This is my t-shirt of hope!
- Irit Targonsky50% of the profits from Me to We shirts go directly to the organization Free the Children.
Love this! Great new item for your store, can't wait to see more people wearing this message.